
First Judge

Joe Lavin - Head Judge

Second Judge

Luisa Vargas - Guest Judge

How Does Judging Work?

Judges will evaluate the participants in the following criteria areas using the IMA’s 85 point system.


  • How many techniques are used and in what appropriate combinations? Are the techniques appropriate for the declared category and are they performed accurately?


  • How do the therapists use their own bodies (work environment), their remedies (Massage tables etc.), and client positioning.


  • Continuous, non-stop movement where appropriate, moving smoothly in and out of various techniques. Example: Flow is highly valued in Swedish but less so in Sports

Innovation and Development of new methods

  • Development of new techniques/grips, a unique style or combination of styles. Example: Innovation is highly regarded in Western or Eastern Freestyle, but less so in Classical European Swedish Massage.

Client Contact

Client contact

Does the participant show insight and empathy upon assessment and ongoing communication?Did the participant choose the correct techniques, pressure and speed for the client’s unique needs? Does the participant have the appropriate workwear (outfit) that expresses intent (modality) and professionalism? Does the participant have a professional display (tools, accessories, instructional material, etc) that makes sense to their category and intent? Did the participants’ draping preserve the modesty of the receiver? Did the participant go out of their way to observe the utmost sanitation practices?

The participants can’t expect feedback and score results from the judges neither during or after the competition.

All decisions regarding the competition are made collective within the group of Judges – this is to make sure the competition is as fair as possible.

The Final:

The Duration of the Final is 60 minutes. Massage recipients (Professional and highly educated Massage Therapists) hand up to 6 points depending on their experience of the massage they receive.

The head judges are able to hand out 3 points each to only one finalist.

The Winner will be the Massage Therapist who gets the most points, and he/she is appointed as Overall Washington Champion in Massage .